Friday, May 20, 2011

President Obama in Boston

President Obama made a campaign fundraising stop in Boston on Wednesday. He spoke at the Boston Center for the Art's cyclorama. The president was joined by Massachusetts Governor, Deval Patrick, Boston Celtics All-Star Ray Allen and Celtics Hall of Famer Bill Russell.

Boston Celtics All-Star Ray Allen

Celtics Hall of Famer Bill Russell

Massachusetts Governor, Deval Patrick

Monday, May 2, 2011

Massachusetts Government Appointments Project event

Massachusetts Government Appointments Project (MassGAP) is a bi-partisan coalition of women’s groups whose purpose is to increase the number of women appointed by the new governor to senior-level cabinet positions, agency heads and selected authorities and commissions in the Commonwealth. This event celebrated MassGAP's efforts to continue advancing women in state government. I took the formal photos of the Governor, Lutenent Governor, Madam Auditor, Cabinet Secretaries as well as officers of the Massachusetts Womans Caucus and MassGAP

110502-MassGAP-7D-061Governor Deval Patrick, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Dr. JudyAnn Bigby, Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development - Joanne Goldstein, Secretary of Public Safety - Mary Elizabeth Heffernan, Lieutenant Governor Timothy P. Murray

