Wednesday, June 6, 2012

MA 2012 Democratic Convention

The Massachusetts Democratic Convention was held is Springfield.

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Chilean President @ Harvard University

Chilean President Sebastian PiƱera speaks during an Institute of Politics forum at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. His speech was about "the Chilean path to development".


Sunday, June 5, 2011

2011 Massachusetts Democratic Convention

On June 3rd, the Democratic Party of Massachusetts held it's 2011 convention at the Tsongas Center in Lowell.

Friday, May 20, 2011

President Obama in Boston

President Obama made a campaign fundraising stop in Boston on Wednesday. He spoke at the Boston Center for the Art's cyclorama. The president was joined by Massachusetts Governor, Deval Patrick, Boston Celtics All-Star Ray Allen and Celtics Hall of Famer Bill Russell.

Boston Celtics All-Star Ray Allen

Celtics Hall of Famer Bill Russell

Massachusetts Governor, Deval Patrick

Monday, May 2, 2011

Massachusetts Government Appointments Project event

Massachusetts Government Appointments Project (MassGAP) is a bi-partisan coalition of women’s groups whose purpose is to increase the number of women appointed by the new governor to senior-level cabinet positions, agency heads and selected authorities and commissions in the Commonwealth. This event celebrated MassGAP's efforts to continue advancing women in state government. I took the formal photos of the Governor, Lutenent Governor, Madam Auditor, Cabinet Secretaries as well as officers of the Massachusetts Womans Caucus and MassGAP

110502-MassGAP-7D-061Governor Deval Patrick, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Dr. JudyAnn Bigby, Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development - Joanne Goldstein, Secretary of Public Safety - Mary Elizabeth Heffernan, Lieutenant Governor Timothy P. Murray



Sunday, April 10, 2011

National Conference for Media Reform

House Democratic Leader, Nancy Pelosi and Mignon Clyburn Commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission speak at the Opening Plenary during the 2011 National Conference for Media Reform in Boston.